Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

* Brake up GOOD chocolate into bite sized pieces. (I buy Peters Chocolate from make-a-cake). It's what Betsy Ann's and Sarris use, but I've also used Dove bars or Aldi's store brand of all things. Don't buy the "disks" - merkins chocolate! it compromises the taste and doesn't produce a smoother texture)
* Place in ceramic (large cereal) bowl
* Microwave 1 minute
* Stir (whether it needs it or not!) - This is a very important step
* Microwave 1 minute more
* Stir chocolate to smooth consistency and Dip Strawberries
* Place chocolate covered strawberries on wax or parchment lined tray as you dip
* Place tray in fridge for approximately 30 minutes and their ready to serve and eat

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